Sunday, March 2, 2014

Write A Convincing Speech On Obesity

Writing a convincing speech on obesity takes research. You cannot decide which form the speech will take until you have investigated the facts and determined what message you want to send. Only after you are armed with research and are comfortable with the subject matter can you truly write a convincing speech.


1. Brainstorm the topic of obesity. Decide which aspects you wish to delve into with your audience, from causes to societal issues to curbing the problem. Some specific avenues of interest might include obesity in America, childhood obesity, weight-loss regimens or current scientific studies.

2. Analyze your audience. Who will hear your speech? This will dictate how you write it. Factor in age, gender, cultural background and disposition toward the subject matter. If your audience consists of small children, make sure your message is simple and clear enough for them to understand. If targeting health-care professionals, a more technical approach might be appropriate.

3. Gather materials by visiting the library or searching the Internet. The library has catalogs and newspaper indexes available. With help from search engines you can search specific topics, such as hereditary obesity or state-specific statistics. Consider interviewing sources either on the phone or in person.

4. Support your ideas with examples and statistics. For instance: According to a 2007 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mississippi had the highest rate of obesity in the country. Expert testimony can also bolster your argument. A nutritionist would be an excellent source to cite in a speech on obesity.

5. Write your speech with an introduction, body and conclusion. Ensure that your facts are relevant, complete and verified. Be specific and use language appropriate for your audience.

6. Enter your speech onto 3X5 index cards and practice several times. Delivery of the speech is as important as the facts in convincing your audience of your conclusions. Exude confidence, have a pleasant physical appearance and pay attention to your body language. A successful speech on obesity results from well-researched, expertly delivered facts.

Tips Warnings

Do your own research while avoiding plagiarism.

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