Our 3 speed fan pull chain broke with the short end of the chain in the housing of the switch.
We bought a DUAL capacitor 3 speed fan switch, replaced it wire for wire as it was before. When we tested it, the fan had one speed with each click. Slow, slow, and slow. I figured I screwed something up so I played with the wiring. Anything I found on line did not have the same color wires that were in our fan. When I changed the configuration of the wires I then got a different speed. Medium on all three clicks. I was then able to rewire it this time I got fast, fast, and fast. Nothing was variable. I was stumped. One of the on line forums's post recommended just go buy a new fan. $100+ vs $3.00. The $100+ option for a new fan was now looking good.
We went to home depot. I saw the display with the switches, and noticed there was another type of 3 speed fan switch. This one said it was a SINGLE capacitor.
The store didn't have a fan that suited our needs, so being stubborn, or determined, I bought the new switch. I quickly connected it to the fan- black to L, purple to 1, brown to 2 and grey to 3. I tested the switch, and high- med- and low!! Done.
Welcome to the forums but the post is eleven years old. We welcome help with any of the current questions on the board.
Tags: switch, wiring, fast fast, forums post, speed switch