Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Canning & Preserving With Stevia

Canning with stevia just takes a few adjustments

Canning and preserving with non-caloric substitutes has been a problem in the past. These sweeteners could not hold their integrity with the high-temperature requirements of canning. Stevia, a natural product made from stevia plant leaves, can be heated to a temperature of 400 degrees F with no problem of losing the desired sweetness. There are still adjustments required when using a traditional recipe that uses sugar.


1. Write notations of needed changes in the traditional canning recipe. The first change you will need to make is with the difference between the use of sugar and the use of stevia. Stevia comes in a liquid or powdered form. For every cup of sugar in the recipe, use 1 tsp. liquid stevia or 1/2 tsp. powdered stevia.

2. Use universal, or non-sugar, pectin in your canning recipe. Most recipes call for a regular pectin. Universal pectin is for low- or non-sugar canning recipes. Many fruit canning recipes direct you to add pectin directly into the fruit. When using stevia, first combine the stevia into the universal pectin and then into the fruit. Use an additional teaspoon of pectin, to compensate for the lack of thickening sugar would ordinarily provide.

3. Mix in approximately 1/4 cup of lemon juice into the canning recipe. Sugar is known for bringing out the flavor in foods. Stevia, however, does not possess this enhancing quality. The addition of lemon juice will offer the same results as sugar. Pour the lemon juice onto the fruit at the same time as you mix in the universal pectin-stevia mixture.

4. Complete the rest of the canning recipe as it is written. No further changes are required.

Tips Warnings

Lime juice may be used instead of lemon juice to produce the same effect.

The sweetness strength of stevia can vary in different products. Do a sweetness test by mixing a teaspoon of stevia into an 8 oz. glass of warm water. Let the mixture settle, then mix and settle again. It should taste very sweet. Add or decrease the amount of stevia, depending on your desired sweetness.

Tags: canning, preserving, stevia, canning recipe, lemon juice, canning recipes, desired sweetness, into fruit, stevia into