Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wheat Grass & Gluten


Wheat grass, harvested from an immature wheat plant, should not contain gluten, the protein found in the wheat berry. However, some experts on celiac disease believe that it may be contaminated by gluten-containing seeds.

Growing Wheat Grass

Wheat grass comes from the same plant that the cereal grain does. It can be grown outdoors or, more commonly, in indoor trays.


Wheat grass advocates claim that it bestows a variety of health benefits; research has proved its value as a green vegetable and a source of several vitamins.


High in chlorophyll, which the human body cannot process, wheat grass is processed into juice, dried to form tablets, and taken as a health food supplement.

Gluten Content

Experts are divided on whether or not wheat grass contains gluten. Gluten is found in the wheat berry, so should not be present when the grass is harvested. Depending on its growing conditions, however, seeds from mature plants may end up in the wheat grass.


According to the Celiac Sprue Association, wheat grass has been insufficiently tested to determine its gluten content;, a resource for those who have celiac disease, has placed wheat grass on its "unsafe foods" list.

Tags: wheat grass, celiac disease, found wheat, found wheat berry, grass harvested