Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Veganize Recipes

Most recipes can be veganized if you put a bit of thought into the process beforehand. Many health food stores carry vegan substitutes for almost any ingredient in normal, mainstream fare.


1. Choose the recipe you wish to convert. With a highlighter, mark all the ingredients in the recipe that contain meat, eggs or dairy.

2. Consult a vegan cookbook to discover what vegan alternatives are available for the ingredients you have highlighted.

3. Make a list of the vegan alternatives needed to complete the recipe. For example, there many soy products that will replace both meat and dairy products in a recipe. Soy foods are more than just soy milk and tofu. Look at tempeh, TVP and other soy products. Legumes or grains can often replace meat in many recipes.

4. Visit your local health food store and pick up the needed ingredients. Many regular grocery stores now carry vegan ingredients. Read the labels to make sure they do not have meat, dairy or eggs in the ingredients.

5. Prepare the recipe using the vegan alternatives for meat, eggs and dairy.

Tags: vegan alternatives, carry vegan, eggs dairy, health food, meat dairy, meat eggs