Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make A Cajun Martini

The Cajun martini is a classic martini drink with a hot and spicy twist. As the name suggests, this martini uses peppers to make the martini Cajun style.

The martini is Cajun style, meaning spicy; it's not served hot, it's chilled. For this recipe you will need to plan at least two days in advance, and this recipe works for both gin martinis and vodka martinis.


1. Put on your gloves and carefully slice up the jalapeno peppers, being careful not to touch your face or eyes. Removing the seeds is recommended but not required.

2. Place the sliced peppers directly into the vodka or gin bottle. If you prefer a strong vermouth taste, remove some of the alcohol and pour some vermouth into the bottle as well. Otherwise, leave the vermouth to the side for now.

3. Close the bottle and place the bottle in the refrigerator for at least 48 hours. For more heat, leave the bottle for an extra day or two.

4. Take chilled martini glasses and pour vermouth into them unless you added some to the original bottle. You can leave the vermouth in the glass, or you can swirl in around and dump it out.

5. Fill the cocktail shaker with ice and begin straining the alcohol into the shaker over the ice. Use the cheesecloth as a strainer, and be careful not to touch your face or eyes when doing so.

Put the cap on the shaker and shake or stir. Use the cheesecloth again when pouring the mix from the shaker to the glasses.

Tags: Cajun style, careful touch, careful touch your, face eyes, leave vermouth