Monday, August 9, 2010

Make Fried Chicken Gizzards

Chicken gizzards, like many organ meats, are inexpensive and don't look very appealing -- but they are an important part of some cuisines. The gizzard is part of a bird's stomach that collects grit to help them pulverize their food. It is thick and muscular, so cooks must take care to make the meat tender. In the soul food tradition, chicken gizzards are often fried and served with other Southern favorites, such as grits and collard greens.


1. Cut the chicken gizzards into 1/2-inch chunks, removing any tendon and sinew.

2. Combine the gizzards and buttermilk in a container big enough to hold them. Cover and refrigerate for 8 to 12 hours or overnight. The buttermilk will help tenderize the gizzards and draw out some of the strong flavors that often appear in organ meat.

3. Remove the gizzards from the buttermilk and drain them.

4. Heat the oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Season the flour with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste. Dip the gizzards in beaten egg and then dredge them in the seasoned flour.

6. Fry the gizzards for 2 to 3 minutes, or until they are nicely browned. Remove them from the oil with a spider or slotted spoon and drain on cooling racks laid over newspaper.
