Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Set Up A Cheese Board

Include a variety of textures and flavors when creating a cheese board.

Cheese boards are platters that combine multiple types and flavors of cheese to create a visually enjoyable, flavorful appetizer. Generally, cheese boards contain three to five types of cheese and contain, at minimum, one firm cheese, one soft cheese and one blue cheese. Ultimately the design and components of the board should reflect the type of gathering where it is being served, as well as the preferences of the host or hostess preferences. Cheese boards often are served with beverages, either wine or beer, that complement the flavors of the cheese.


1. Set cheese out three hours before serving to allow cheese to reach room temperature.

2. Slice hard cheese with knife or cheese slicer into thin slices. Arrange slices on service plate or board in a visually pleasing manner (i.e., fanned or arranged diagonally on plate).

3. Remove wrapping on soft cheese; however, consider leaving the rind if it is edible (i.e., Brie). Slice the cheese into 1 oz. serving slices.

4. Serve blue cheese in 1 oz. cubes that are sliced or crumbles if more appropriate. Again, be sure to arrange the cheese pieces such as in a pyramid shape (if cubed) or spread on a diagonal line across the platter.

5. Finally, add accent foods to the cheese board, such as nuts, smoked salmon, fruit pieces or pieces of baguette. Crackers also can be used to complement cheese flavors.

Tags: blue cheese, Cheese boards, soft cheese