Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Make A Fish Out Of An Orange

Turn oranges into fun fish shapes for kids.

Not all kids like to eat fruit, but they will be more inclined to do so if you make their fruit plate more interesting. Oranges and other fruits can be used to create cute animal shapes and placed on a decorative platter to serve to kids as a healthy snack option. Making cartoon fish shapes out of oranges is a relatively quick and easy process and you can include your child in the work as a fun way to teach them about food and healthy eating.


1. Slice a large, fresh orange into circular sections. Make your orange slices about 1/3 -inch wide and keep the rind in tact.

2. Lay the orange slices on a chopping board. Press a fish shaped cookie cutter into one of the orange circles. Carefully carve the shape into the slice and then remove the cookie cutter. Lay the orange fish onto your plate or platter.

3. Repeat Step 2 with the remaining orange slices. Arrange all the fish shapes neatly on your plate.

4. Place a raisin on the face of each fish to represent an eyeball.

5. Chop up any left over orange into chunks and place them around the fish on the plate. Slice up other fruits and add them to the plate for a healthy snack.

Tags: fish shapes, orange slices, cookie cutter, healthy snack, orange into, other fruits