Monday, December 6, 2010

Make Dashi

Dashi makes up the base for miso soup.

Dashi stock makes up the base of many Japanese soups and sauces. The stock is made from a dried fish, called bonito, and dried kelp. The ingredients are readily available at Asian groceries and some supermarkets. The process of making dashi takes some time, but the stock stores well so you can make it in bulk for later use. Instant dashi packets are also available, but they don't provide the depth of flavor found in a homemade broth.


1. Break a 4-inch length from the kombu seaweed. Kombu comes in dried sheets that break easily when bent.

2. Pour the water into the pot. Place the kombu in the water and soak for one hour. The kombu absorbs the moisture and softens during the soaking time.

3. Heat the water over medium heat. Remove the kombu with tongs once the water begins bubbling but before it begins a full boil.

4. Pour ¼ cup of cold water into the pot. Add the bonito flakes to the water.

5. Bring the water back to a boil, but do not stir. Remove the pot from the heat as soon as it boils.

6. Hold a metal fine-mesh strainer over a large bowl. Pour the dashi stock through the strainer to separate the bonito flakes from the broth.

Tags: bonito flakes, makes base, water into