Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Join A Social Wine Network

Cork'd is one wine social networking site

With the explosion of social networking technology, wine enthusiasts can now join dozens of fun social networking sites that encourage you to share information about favorite wines, join membership groups, learn more about wine paired with food and order wines from the world's top vineyards.


1. Check out Vinivino, an active social networking site that revolves around wine and includes reviews, a "wine of the week" feature and active members. On Vinivino, you can add wines you want to a “to drink” or “My Cellar” list, communicate with other wine lovers and get recommendations for wines.

2. Join Snooth, a web-based social wine shopping experience that claims to simplify how people can select and purchase their favorite wines. Snooth features a comprehensive wine database that includes reviews of hundreds of thousands of wines. You can also get personalized wine recommendations, and Snooth's wine search tool connects users with the websites of top online wine merchants and wineries.

3. Become a member of Cork’d, another site designed to encourage users to share information and knowledge about wines. Members can catalog, rate and review wines in their own wine journals, seek out other members for wine expertise and keep track of wines they'd like to try in the future.

4. Share your enthusiasm for wine with others on Winelog, a site that helps you maintain records of the wines you have tried. For each wine you enter into the log, you can provide public comments about the wine and give it a one- to five-star rating. You can also find other people with similar wine tastes. Winelog matches you up with users who might share your taste in wine (Chardonnay users, for example) with whom you can trade knowledge.

Tags: social networking, about wine, favorite wines, includes reviews, networking site, share information