Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homemade Body Oil

Making body oil yourself is a simple process that can save you money and benefit your health, with ingredients you know are pure. Ingredients you have around the house, from ginger to sesame oil, can be turned into homemade body oils useful for both massage and to enhance your skin health.

The Joy of Creating

Creating your own body oil is like being your own chef. Mix together ingredients that will feel and smell good to your body. Experimenting with various types of cooking oils combined with essential oils allows you to become the explorer.

The basis for making your own oils is using a base or carrier oil. Experiment with making your own blend, and then adding essential oils or fruits. Relaxing oils include lavender and citrus; stimulating oils include peppermint, ginger and jasmine.

You are the Chef

The purpose of using body oils is that it brings your blood closer to the surface and helps to warm your skin. Ginger is a natural invigorator, but if you mix it with oil it becomes very soothing. Try this: grate ginger, mix it with sesame oil, apricot oil and vitamin E and then add cocoa butter. Place all the ingredients in a pot on low heat, just until they are all melted and well blended. Pour the body oil into a container and store it in a dry and cool place. Your body will thank you.

Peach lotion is a wonderful moisturizer for dry or normal skin. Mash and strain one peach, then add benzoin drops, coconut or almond oil and orange floral water. Now mix it up until it is fluffy and pour into a small container. If you store it in the refrigerator it will last longer.

Mix jojoba oil and almond oil with essential oils like lavender and ginger. This can be used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic skin oil.

For a body butter, try mixing together shea butter, coconut oil, hemp oil and beeswax chips. Use this on your heels and elbows for an extra-moisturizing effect.

A Note of Caution

Do not use peppermint if you have a heart condition. If you have epilepsy, stay away from rosemary oil. When using these oils for children, or if you are pregnant, use smaller amounts of essential oils.

Tags: essential oils, body oils, container store, making your, oils include, with essential, with essential oils