Thursday, July 22, 2010

Freeze Watermelon Rind

As with freezing any fruit, watermelon rinds need protected from freezer burn.

Rather than toss out the leftover watermelon rind, freeze it for later use. Various recipes, like pickled watermelon rind, use the often-ignored part of the fruit. The amount of time it takes the watermelon to freeze depends on the temperature of the freezer itself and the size of the rind. Thicker rinds take longer to freeze than thinner ones. It doesn't matter what shape the rinds are in when you freeze them. For example, you can cut them into strips to freeze so they are ready for a particular recipe.


1. Spread out a piece of plastic wrap large enough to wrap around the rind twice on a flat surface. The plastic wrap helps protect against freezer burn and prevents the juice from the rind from leaking during freezing.

2. Place the watermelon rind in the middle of the plastic wrap. Wrap the material around the rind without pulling the plastic tightly. Do not leave any holes.

3. Lay a large piece of freezer paper on the flat surface. Place the plastic-wrapped watermelon rind in the middle of the freezer paper. Fold the paper around the rind. You shouldn't see any plastic wrap. Tape the paper into place.

4. Write the date on the masking tape you used to close the freezer paper.

5. Place the watermelon in the freezer.

Tags: plastic wrap, around rind, freezer paper, flat surface, freezer burn, Place watermelon