Monday, July 5, 2010

Find A Safe Sugar Substitute

Safe sugar substitute

Whether you are looking to loose weight, stay on a low carb diet or live a healthier life, finding a safe sugar substitute is on all of our minds.

Does a safe sugar substitute exist or is a safe sugar alternative just a dream?

Read the steps below to find out.


1. Define safe:

If you are looking for a safe sugar alternative you must decide how you define safe. Are you looking for a healthy sugar substitute? Are you looking for a sugar substitute that does not pose risks or side effects? Do you want the safest sugar substitute or just any safe low calorie sweetener?

2. Understand that any sugar substitute that is FDA approved is at least minimally safe to eat. If minimally safe is good enough for you, than all you have to do is just stick to FDA approved artificial or natural sweeteners. If you have higher standards of safe for you and your family or if you are looking for the healthiest sugar substitute, read on.

3. Understand that sugar itself, in general, is not all bad for you. Using sugar in moderation is part of a balanced diet. Most sugar alternatives contain artificial ingredients that we are not sure how they effect the body in the long run. So, the best sugar alternative would be to use natural sugar, but use less of it than you normally would. (Note: If you have a health problem such as diabetes, than this step does not apply - be sure to ask your doctor.)

4. If you have a craving for sweets, instead of using sugar or a sugar substitute, eat a fruit or drink natural fruit juice.

5. If you still feel you need to have sweets and natural sugar in limited amounts and fruits and juices are not enough for you, then try stevia. Stevia is a South American plant that is much sweeter than sugar, but has a slightly off flavor.

6. Use Sorbitol as another safe sugar substitute. Sorbitol is a natural sweetener, but it can have laxative and other stomach side effects. See how you react before using too much.

Tags: sugar substitute, safe sugar substitute, sugar alternative, minimally safe, natural sugar, safe looking