Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Store Avocados In The Refrigerator

Air exposure discolors avocado flesh.

Avocado fruits rapidly discolor once cut, making it difficult to save leftover avocado pieces for later use. The seed prevents oxidation to the areas of the fruit directly beneath it because it blocks air from reaching the fruit. The skin usually protects the avocado flesh from oxidation, but once cut other protection methods are required. Preparing the rest of the fruit from browning and packaging it properly to avoid air contact helps extend the storage life of the avocado in the refrigerator.


1. Sprinkle the cut surface of the avocado with lemon juice. Avocado flesh browns and oxidizes when exposed to air, but the ascorbic acid in lemon juice counteracts the oxidation process.

2. Wrap the cut avocado tightly in plastic food wrap. Place the avocado in an airtight storage container to further prevent air from reaching the flesh.

3. Store the avocado in the refrigerator for three to five days. Some oxidation may still occur during storage.

4. Scrape the oxidized portion from the cut surface with the flat of a knife. The fruit under the oxidation is safe to eat if it hasn't discolored.

Tags: avocado flesh, avocado refrigerator, from reaching, lemon juice