Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Exotic Edible Plants

Custard apples have white edible flesh.

Cultivating edible plants dates back centuries when hunter-gatherer tribes searched the forest for food. Today, you can get a variety of exotic fruits and vegetables in your local produce section, even in more rural areas of the United States.You have probably eaten an exotic fruit or vegetable and not even realized it. Pineapple is native to Brazil and Paraguay. Many other more unusual-looking and less common fruits and vegetables exist.

Kiwano Melon

The Kiwano melon, or African Horned Cucumber, does not look anything like cucumber grown in the states. Bright yellow on the outside with multiple protrusions, and neon green on the inside, the fruit tastes slightly bitter. It originated in Africa.


Romanescu is a cauliflower-like plant with a green hue. The vegetable originated in Italy in the 15th century when Italian farmers bred several varieties of coniferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli together to create several cultivars. Cultivars are the offspring of plants bred for specific traits. The oddly shaped, pointed florets encircle the top of the plant, giving it the appearance of a pine tree.

Custard Apple

The custard apple tree produces an edible apple-like fruit with scaly skin. The yellow-brown fruit has a faint pink, red or red-brown blush when ripe. It originated in the West Indies, but custard apple grows in Mexico, Central America, the Bahamas and Africa. The white flesh has slots for seeds similar to an apple.


The durian grows on a 90 to 130-foot tree in Borneo, Sumatra, South Tanasserim, lower Burma, India, Australia and Malaysia. The horned fruit has a strong odor. Considered a delicacy in India, more than 100 cultivars of durian exist.

Ugli Fruit

The ugli fruit originated in Jamaica. Considered a hybrid between tangerines and grapefruits, the fruit grows slightly larger than a navel orange. Jamaican farmers began to grow the fruit in the 1930s. Ripe ugli fruit have an uneven, wrinkled texture and are predominately yellow and green in color. Ugli fruit are high in vitamin C and low in calories. It tastes sweet with a tangy twist. Eat the fruit raw for the best favor.


Called the Chinese radish, the daikon looks like a thick, white carrot with deep green leaves. You can grate and slice the white root. Chop and steam the leaves. The white root can weigh five to six pounds at maturity.

Tags: fruits vegetables, white root