Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chug A Beer In Under 4 Seconds

College students and beer drinking enthusiasts alike have studied the art of chugging a beer for years. Many techniques have been perfected to push the beer-guzzling envelope to speeds that seem almost inhuman. However there is one method that, when performed correctly with beer cans, is guaranteed to push your beer chugging to that coveted realm of under 4 seconds.


1. Make sure you have a designated driver on standby to safely drive you home.

2. Consider that alcohol poisoning, which is caused by excess alcohol consumption in a short period of time, can cause you to black out, stop breathing and die.

3. Grab your favorite brand of beer in a can, and set it out of the refrigerator to slightly warm up. Ice-cold beer is hard to chug, but don't let it get too warm or you'll end up with a belly full of foam.

4. Pick up the beer and tilt it in a downward angle with the top of the beer pointing towards the ground. The object here is to get the air bubble that is in the beer can to rise to the bottom of the can in order to prevent a messy explosion.

5. Use a knife and carefully cut a hole near the base. The hole should be roughly the size of the beer's "mouth." Make sure that the hole is on the same side of the can as the mouth.

6. Cradle the beer in one hand while you grip the beer's tab with the tip of your finger, but don't open the beer just yet.

7. Raise the hole you've cut in the side of the beer to your lips, and simultaneously tilt your head back while cracking open the beer. Open up your throat and let gravity take over as the vacuum you've created projectiles the beer out of the can at an explosive speed. Squeezing or crushing the can during this process will increase the rate of beer flow even more, and propel you into the realm of a beer chugging champion.

Tags: beer chugging, Make sure, open beer, with beer