Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Store Clam Chowder

You can refrigerate homemade clam chowder for up to four days.

Making your own clam chowder is a rather involved process that can easily take an hour or more. After all of your hard work, little is worse than seeing your clam chowder go bad and needing to throw it away. With proper care, you can keep your clam chowder safe in the refrigerator for several days. If you will not be able to finish it within that time, store it in the freezer instead. Frozen clam chowder stays good for four to six months.


1. Transfer the clam chowder into refrigerator-safe resealable containers and allow it to cool for 15 to 20 minutes if you intend to eat it within a few days. Seal the containers and put them into the refrigerator. Under no circumstances should you let the clam chowder sit out at room temperature or above (up to 135 F) for more than two hours. This applies whether you have made your own clam chowder or reheated commercial clam chowder. Refrigerate the sealed containers of clam chowder for up to four days.

2. Put the clam chowder into freezer-safe containers if you will not eat it within three to four days. Allow the clam chowder to cool for 15 to 20 minutes. Seal the containers and put them into the freezer. Freeze the sealed containers of clam chowder for up to four to six months. Transfer a container of frozen clam chowder to the refrigerator the night before you wish to use it. This will give it time to thaw gradually and safely.

3. Reheat the clam chowder to at least 165 F before you eat or serve it. This applies whether the clam chowder is commercial or homemade and regardless of whether you refrigerated or froze it.

Tags: clam chowder, clam chowder, your clam, your clam chowder, chowder four