Thursday, August 15, 2013

Coldpack Can Salsa

Canned salsa can be preserved for up to three years in a cool, dry, dark pantry.

Canning is a method of food preservation. There are two types of canning. Unlike in hot pack canning, where you cook food before you can it, in cold pack canning you prepare raw foods for canning. Cold pack canning is ideal for preserving some fruits, such as tomatoes, and vegetables that are found in salsa. With the correct canning method, you can cold pack can your favorite salsa.


1. Prepare a salsa of your choosing based on a recipe or your individual preferences.

2. Wash your jars and lids with warm water and a mild dish detergent. If you are reusing jars, you may want to make sure they are sanitized by boiling them for 10 minutes in a large pot. Do not boil the lids, however, which could affect their ability to properly seal the jars.

3. Fill the jars with your salsa leaving about 1/2-inch of space at the top. Gently stir the salsa with a rubber spatula in the jar to remove any excess air bubbles in the jar. If you get any salsa on the jar rim, wipe it off with a damp paper towel.

4. Screw the lids onto the jars. The rims need to be tight but not overly tight or they may have trouble sealing.

5. Place a cake rack on the bottom of a large pot and fill the pot with enough water to submerge all the jars completely plus 2 inches above the jars.

6. Bring the water to a boil, then boil the jars for 50 minutes.

7. Remove the jars from the pan with tongs and place them on a cooling rack or towel. As the jars cool, their lids should pop into a locked position. If they don't pop, then press the lids with your finger. If they stay down, they are properly sealed, but if they do not stay down, they are not properly sealed and you should discard the jar.

8. Store the jars in a cool, dry, dark place. You may want to write "Salsa" on the jar and the date you canned the salsa. In good conditions, you should be able to keep your salsa for up to three years.

Tags: pack canning, cold pack, cool dark, down they, down they properly