Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Make Whey & Cream Cheese

Homemade cream cheese tastes more tangy than shop bought ones.

Milk can be versatile and used to make many other foods without having to buy expensive equipment. Whey is a high quality complete protein found in milk, and contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body on a daily basis. Extracting whey and cream cheese from products such as yogurt is straightforward, the whey being the liquid that drips from the yogurt, changing the yogurt to cream cheese in the process.


1. Put a piece of cheesecloth or a clean tea towel over a strainer, and put the strainer over a bowl.

2. Pour the yogurt into the cloth and cover it. Whey will start dripping through the cloth into the bowl.

3. Tie the cloth containing the yogurt and hang it on a wooden spoon over a glass jug after a few hours. This enables you to see when it stops dripping, normally after nine or ten hours.

4. Add what is in the cloth to your toast or your bagel to enjoy your homemade cream cheese.

5. Put one tablespoon of the liquid whey from the jug into a glass of water and drink three times a day to aid digestion.

Tags: cream cheese