Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dry Wild Morel Mushrooms

Morel mushrooms are good either fresh or dried.

Morel mushrooms grow in the forests between early April and June, depending on the geographic location. Morels can be found alone or in clumps and in many colors, including browns, black, grays and reds. When picking morels, avoid mushrooms that feel soft, mushy or granular. These will be too old or wormy. Do not clean morels in water. Instead, gently brush them clean. Soaking morels in water removes their flavor.


1. Lay the morels on the screen and place it in a sunny spot. Cutting the morels in half first helps them dry faster. Drying in the sun can take several days. Bring the mushrooms indoors at night to prevent morning dew from rehydrating the mushrooms.

2. Tie the morels to your oven rack with string so that they hang from the rack. Set the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and leave the door ajar to allow air to circulate. If you have trouble tying the morels to the rack, take a needle and thread or dental floss and pierce the morel's stem, about 1/2 inch from the bottom, with the threaded needle (an embroidery needle works well). Pull the thread through and loop it over the oven rack. Knot the thread. The morels should take about eight hours to dry.

3. Store the mushrooms in air-tight containers such as mason jars. Make sure your morels are dry before storing; they should look very light and feel hard as a rock.

Tags: Morel mushrooms, morels water, oven rack