Monday, October 5, 2009

Make Quinoa

It was great! I had some this morning.

Some of you have probably heard of Quinoa. I really wanted to try it because I heard it contained a lot of protein, and vitamins. I heard from a friend that it is used in space as meal supplements. So I bought it. From my simple instructions, you too will know cook Quinoa and have a tasty breakfast with it.


1. This morning I took the challenge of making myself a Quinoa breakfast. First, I watched a U-Tube video on make it and followed that. However, that recipe made the Quinoa so hard and chewy that my jaw is still hurting from the impact. After trying the chompy Quinoa, I decided to create my own recipe and cooking time and this is what I am sharing with you.

2. First prepare a cup of Quinoa (it is really filling, and a little goes a long way). Now put it in a sieve with a handle and wash it to clean it. Now dump the washed Quinoa into your pot with a handle.

3. Pour a cup and a half of water into the Quinoa which is in the pot. I would use clean water and not tap water since if you are going organic, might as well go the pure way all the way. Then bring this to a boil.

4. After bringing it to a boil, put the glass lid on it to steam boil it and let it simmer at low to medium heat for twenty minutes. Be sure to check the Quinoa to taste the texture of it.

5. What I did this morning tastes great so try it!

Before steam boiling the Quinoa, pour in a third of a cup brown sugar and sprinkle some Molly's butter flakes in. If you want it sweeter, you can add more brown sugar later. Taste it first. I also like adding a sprinkle of Xylitol to the top of mine which adds sweetness and kills the bacteria in your mouth.

6. Quinoa is like bulghur wheat in its consistency, it never wants to get soft. So after twenty minutes, your Quinoa should have a little harder than Aldente texture to it. This is perfect, so serve yourself. Enjoy!

Tags: brown sugar, Quinoa really, this morning, twenty minutes, with handle