Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Make Popcorn Pop Better On The Stove Top

Quality ingredients and proper cooking technique will improve your stovetop popcorn.

Popcorn is a classic snack. It is quick to make, healthy to eat, and will generally be a crowd pleaser no matter the occasion. The traditional way to make popcorn is to heat kernels of corn in a saucepan on the stove. The stove-top method of popping corn is fun and it adds an added health bonus--no preservatives or artificial flavors that are present in most commercial, microwave popcorn brands. If you want to improve your stove-top popcorn, use quality ingredients and follow the proper cooking technique.


1. Add 3 tablespoons of canola oil to a 3-quart sauce pan. Tip the pan back and forth so that the oil covers the length of the pan; this will ensure even heating. Heat the oil to medium. Do not add the kernels; one common mistake is adding the kernels too early.

2. Place a few popcorn kernels into the pan. Wait for them to pop. When these kernels pop, it means that the pan is hot enough and ready for the rest of the kernels.

3. Pour enough popcorn kernels to cover the bottom of the pan in one layer. Place the lid on the saucepan. Do not pour too many kernels into the pan. Use high-quality popcorn kernels. Avoid the cheaper kernels and opt for kernels that are large and golden.

4. Remove the pan from the burner for thirty seconds and then return the pan to the heat. This step will drastically improve the quality of your popcorn by ensuring all the kernels will reach optimum popping temperature.

5. Shake the pan gently once the popcorn starts to pop. Lift the lid slightly to let steam escape and to prevent the popcorn from burning. Once you notice that the popping is slowing--where it seems that a kernel pops only once ever couple of seconds-- remove the pan from the heat and pour the popcorn into a large bowl.

6. Add salt and butter to taste.

Tags: popcorn kernels, cooking technique, improve your, kernels into, proper cooking