Thursday, September 26, 2013

Which Spices Make Beef Jerky

Dehydrate seasoned meats to create your own jerky.

Beef jerky can be expensive to purchase, so consider creating your own blend of spices to add to the meat. Although numerous beef jerky recipes exist for different flavors, a few basic spices are used in almost every one.


Black pepper, garlic powder and onion powder are the more common spices included in beef jerky recipes. A few also call for salt, although some of the other ingredients already taste salty.


In addition to normal spices, most basic beef jerky recipes call for Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and a substance called "liquid smoke." Liquid smoke, when added to the beef marinade, gives the jerky the traditional smoky flavor. Tabasco sauce, in small amounts, can be applied to the beef jerky recipe as preferred.

Minced Substitutes

Many jerky chefs prefer to include minced garlic and onion in their recipes, instead of their powdered forms, to create more bold flavors.

Tags: beef jerky recipes, jerky recipes, beef jerky