Friday, May 22, 2009

Diy Wine Storage

Collecting wine involves more than just finding the right bottles for your collection. Proper storage for the wine will ensure that the bottles stay in good condition. Without the proper storage and temperature, wine will quickly become undrinkable and a waste of your hard-earned money. Finding the right storage system for your collection will ensure that they stay at the right temperature and have the room to lay the bottles correctly.


Before you begin your wine storage project, you will have to determine how much space your bottles will require. A collection can quickly grow to unmanageable proportions if you do not put a limit on the space for your wine storage. Determine a set amount of bottles you will have on hand at any given time and stick with it.

Wine storage refrigerators come in a variety of sizes and designs. These cabinets or refrigerators can hold a number of bottles and fit right into the décor of your kitchen or dining room. Larger models can be installed in the basement to hold large collections of wine.

Wine Racks

Wine racks are an appropriate choice for smaller wine collections that will be used within a shorter period. The wine rack should allow the bottles to be stored on their side so that the cork is in contact with the wine. It is important that the cork not dry out and become damaged during storage.

Smaller wine racks can be stored on top of the kitchen counter and allow guests to view the labels on your collection. Wine bottles that will not be stored for months at a time are perfectly fine in a small wine rack.

Refrigeration and Humidity Control

Refrigerated wine cabinets are designed to keep wine at a cool temperature for collections that will be stored for more than a year. Glass-fronted or solid cabinets can be plugged right into existing wall outlets. These models are appropriate for larger collections that have precious bottles that require special care. Wine cabinets are different from a refrigerator and offer greater control over the temperature and humidity where the wine is stored.

Refrigerated wine rooms can store thousands of bottles in a temperature-controlled environment. This is ideal for the serious wine collector. Smaller models will hold less than a hundred bottles of wine in cooler temperatures. Consider carefully your needs when choosing a refrigerated wine cabinet.

Tags: collections that, that will, your collection, your wine storage, bottles that, bottles will, collections that will