Monday, April 20, 2009

Use A Hot Dog Rotisserie

Many people enjoy the way that hot dogs taste when bought at a ballpark or stadium. If this sounds like you, then you may wish to own your own hot dog rotisserie. These machines are easy to use and can give you the best tasting hot dogs that you have ever cooked. Read on to learn use a rotisserie to roast the perfect dog.


1. Purchase a hot dog rotisserie. Before you can make your own rotisserie hot dogs, you need to get one of the makers. You can find smaller rotisseries online at Gadget Universe and As Seen on TV.

2. Plug in the hot dog rotisserie to begin warming it up. Most rotisseries need at least 10 minutes to heat up properly.

3. Place the hot dogs between the rollers on the machine. Most of the smaller models can cook four to six large hot dogs at a time. You do not need to defrost the hot dogs before putting them on the rotisserie.

4. Adjust the setting on the machine and use the timer. The hot dogs will typically cook completely in 10 to 15 minutes on a medium to high setting. If you want to leave the hot dogs on the rotisserie for a while, use the low setting.

Tags: your rotisserie