Monday, January 14, 2013

Use Jointprotection Techniques To Treat Arrthritis

Use Joint-Protection Techniques to Treat Arrthritis

Those suffering from arthritis often find their joints becoming painful and inflamed. Keeping your joints in good working condition is one way to protect yourself from developing the pain associated with arthritis. If you already suffer from painful arthritic conditions, maintaining healthy joints on a daily basis can help ease your pain. You can use a variety of joint-protection techniques to treat arthritis.


Get Moving to Protect Your Joints

1. Start protecting your joints by moving each joint daily. You will need to identify what your full range of motion is without experiencing pain. Then exercise to this range of motion each day.

2. Keep it easy and don't overdo your movement. Your joint exercises should be performed gently and slowly without any jerking.

3. Respect your joints and recognize when you are in pain. Identify which specific movements cause pain in your joints and avoid that movement or level of activity in the future.

4. Expect that your range of motion may change from day to day and avoid pushing yourself too far.

5. Explore different exercise techniques to find the best form to help you maintain good overall health without damaging your joints. Possible activities might include water walking and water aerobics.

6. Use regularly scheduled brief walks to treat stiff joints during long periods of seated activity such as riding in a car or working at your desk.

Equip Yourself for Healthy Joints

7. Look for products with thick, padded handles to help avoid pinching or clutching household items too tightly.

8. Use a book stand when reading to avoid putting undo pressure on the joints in your hands when reading for long periods of time.

9. Choose a purse with a shoulder strap, instead of something you carry in your hands. For men, choosing a light-load backpack or waist bag is preferable to carrying a heavy satchel or briefcase.

10. Use ergonomic workspace techniques by maintaining the proper height for your work surface and keeping your back and feet firmly supported throughout. Your table or desk should be positioned at a height around two inches below your bent elbow.

11. Use supportive devices if you will be performing fine motor activity with your hands for long periods of time such as typing, sewing or writing. Wrist and forearm supports can provide protection for your joints.

12. Treat yourself to breaks from work at regular intervals throughout the day to help maintain your energy and provide protection for your joints.

Tags: your joints, long periods, range motion, your hands, your joints, help maintain