Thursday, January 31, 2013

Determine If An Artichoke Is Ripe

Ripe artichokes are a tasty addition to a low-fat diet.

Artichokes, which originate from the Mediterranean region, can help you maintain a healthy, low-fat diet. One artichoke amounts to only 25 calories. The vegetable contains no fat but is a solid source of potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber and antioxidants. Though you can buy them in cans, fresh artichokes will provide optimum taste for your recipes. Get the freshest artichokes you can find when purchasing them from supermarkets and roadside stands.


1. Select artichokes that do not have buds or flowers on them. Buds or flowers are a sign of an artichoke that is too ripe.

2. Choose artichokes that are completely green. Do not select ones that have any purple color on them.

3. Select artichokes that are fairly heavy. Size doesn't really matter as long as the artichoke is not so large that it is flowering.

4. Choose artichokes that have no bruises or very few bruises. A few slight brown marks on the leaves are OK, as long as they are not too deep or extend over very much of the artichoke

5. Push the artichoke's leaves against each other. You should hear a squeaking sound. Lack of a squeak demonstrates a lack of freshness.

Tags: artichokes that, that have, artichokes that have, Choose artichokes, Choose artichokes that, low-fat diet, Select artichokes