Monday, October 1, 2012

Snap Beans

Green Beans must be broken into small sections before boiling. "Snapping," the term used for this procedure, comes from the snapping sound a fresh green bean makes when you break it. Look for firm green beans to get a good snap.


1. Get two bowls from the kitchen. One to hold the beans and one to put them in after they've been snapped.

2. Find a cozy chair in front of your favorite TV show, get comfortable and grab a handful of beans.

3. Work with a handful at a time so you can move from one bean to the next without constantly reaching into the bowl. This will speed the process.

4. Begin by breaking off one end of the green bean and running that piece down the side of the bean. This will remove any string that might be inside the skin. If you have purchased stringless beans, you won't get many.

5. Break off the other end of the bean after stringing.

6. Snap your beans into 1-inch pieces all the way down the bean. Go on to the next one until all the beans are snapped.

Tags: bean next, green bean, This will