Friday, September 28, 2012

Smoke Vegetables

Smoked vegetables are easy to prepare and smoking gives them a different taste. You can cook them in your smoker right along with the meat. If you don't want them to taste too smoky, wrap the vegetables in aluminum foil while they cook, suggests "The Field & Stream Wilderness Cooking Handbook."


1. Preheat charcoal or electric smoker.

2. Cut vegetables into slices or chunks. You can use just about any vegetables, such as mushrooms, squash, corn or asparagus. If you can grill a vegetable, you can smoke it and they'll take on a richer, more flavorful quality when you smoke them.

3. Lightly brush the vegetables with oil, then season with salt and pepper.

4. Place vegetables on a baking pan or a perforated grill pan made especially for small items.

5. Place the veggies on the smoker and reduce the heat to low.

6. Check the veggies frequently to make sure you don't overcook them.

7. Remove the vegetables when they are tender.
