Friday, February 27, 2009

Keep Avocados From Getting Brown

Keep Avocados From Getting Brown

Avocados are a healthy addition to your diet. Adding avocado to a sandwich, salad and or a dip gives you a boost of over 20 vitamins and minerals. Avocados have a tendency to turn brown if not used right away. Enzymes called polyphenol oxides attack the flesh of the fruit, changing its color, and like many fruits, avocados turn brown when exposed to oxygen. Taking a few steps when choosing and preparing an avocado can help prevent browning.


1. Choose a ripe avocado. The fruit should be firm when squeezed, but not mushy. Mushy means the avocado could already be brown inside.

2. Slice the avocado lengthwise around the pit. Twist the two halves to separate the fruit.

3. Remove the pit by sliding a spoon underneath it and scooping. If storing the avocado in halves, sprinkle with a little lemon or lime juice on the fruit, seal in it plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator.

4. Scoop the flesh from both halves into a both. Lightly mash the flesh with a fork.

5. Add a small amount of citrus (lemon or lime). Place plastic wrap over the avocado and press firmly, removing any air pockets.

6. Store the avocado in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.

Tags: Avocados From, Avocados From Getting, From Getting, From Getting Brown, Getting Brown