Friday, July 13, 2012

Natural Cures For Barrett'S Esophagus

Several Natural Remedies Exist When It Comes to Barrett's Esophagus.

Barrett's esophagus develops when a condition of acid reflux continues untreated--until the acid actually causes the lining of the esophagus to change, cellularly. If left further untreated, Barrett's esophagus can develop into full-fledged cancer of the esophagus. A number of natural remedies exist to combat Barrett's esophagus, as well as to prevent it altogether. Other natural solutions can help prevent the development of cancer in an individual with Barrett's esophagus. These solutions typically involve herbal remedies, eating right and drinking right.


One herb that has been used to combat Barrett's esophagus, acid reflux and heartburn is DGL, short for deglycyrrhizinated licorice. DGL, native to Asia and Greece), is said by herbalists to not only relieve the discomfort that comes from these conditions but also combat them. Available as a chewable licorice or in capsule form, DGL should be taken about 30 minutes before each meal, 3 times a day. Chew 1/4 to 1/2 g each time. Avoid larger doses.

Drink Right

Drink water. Not only will it help your Barrett's esophagus, it will increase your overall health. Drinking water--at least 8 cups a day--helps the body rid itself of toxins and other waste products. The human body is, after all, made up of 75 percent water. Do not drink alcohol. Do not drink soda drinks. Avoid whole milk, citrus juices and fruits (including oranges, pineapples, tomatoes and grapefruit). Avoid drinking tea or coffee--or any caffeinated beverage. These drinks will only serve to aggravate Barrett's esophagus, thanks to their mostly high acidity.

Eat Right

One of the best things you can do for your Barrett's esophagus is to maintain a balanced diet--and that typically means eating a wide variety of good foods. Concentrate in particular on vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Walk through the grocery store and pick foods you have rarely eaten. Add possibly much-needed variety to your diet. When is the last time you tried bok choy, kale, mesclun greens, watercress, acorn squash, lentils or okra? How about fruits like prunes, papaya, honeydew, kiwis or avocados? Avoid sugary foods and foods high in salt. Greatly limit your intake of refined grains, too. Foods that contain refined grains include white rice, white flour and white bread. Instead, try using whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, brown rice, whole cornmeal or cracked wheat.

Other Natural Solutions

If you are overweight, curing your Barrett's esophagus is helped along significantly by losing some weight; try eating small meals, if nothing else. If you are a smoker, stop.

Tags: Barrett esophagus, Barrett esophagus, your Barrett, your Barrett esophagus, acid reflux, combat Barrett, combat Barrett esophagus