Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dry Chili Peppers For Powder

Once dried, chili peppers can be ground into chili powder.

Chili peppers greatly range in heat and taste, depending on their growing conditions and when they are harvested. Typically, the redder they get, the hotter they will taste. While many people simply buy chili powder at the grocery store, it is possible to grow your own chilis (or buy them whole) and dry them to eventually grind into powder. Doing so should ensure that your chili powder is fresh and potent.


1. Wash each chili pepper under the tap to ensure it is free of any dirt or another substances.

2. Slice each chili pepper in half along its length.

3. Place each piece of chili pepper onto a baking sheet. Ensure the peppers are evenly spaced so that they'll dry evenly.

4. Move an oven rack to the middle of the oven.

5. Turn on the oven to 100 degrees Fahrenheit if your oven goes that low. If not, set the oven to the lowest temperature possible.

6. Place the baking sheet full of chili peppers onto the middle rack of the oven and let them slowly dry over the course of several hours.

7. Open the oven every 30 minutes and turn the chilis to ensure they dry evenly. Check them for dryness. There is no formula as to how long it will take, but a fully dry pepper should crack and crumble when squeezed. The chili peppers are now ready to be ground into powder.

Tags: chili pepper, chili powder, baking sheet, chili peppers, each chili, each chili pepper