Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chocolate Fondue Dipping Ideas

Strawberries taste extra-sweet when dipped in chocolate fondue.

Chocolate fondue is creamy, semi-liquid melted chocolate that is enjoyed by each participant dipping various bite-size foods into it. In addition to enjoying fondue in a restaurant or from a chocolate fondue fountain, it is easy to prepare in your own home. Since chocolate can be paired with numerous foods for a sinfully delicious dessert, let your imagination run wild or choose from a number of easy-to-dip foods.


Fresh fruit goes wonderfully with chocolate fondue. Simply cut a variety of fruits into bite-sized cubes for easy spearing and dipping. Start with the two fruits that are most commonly paired with chocolate--strawberries and bananas. Expand your fruit spread by adding raspberries, orange segments, pineapple bits, grapes, peach and pear slices, cherries, dried apricots and apples chunks. Once the fruit has been cut and arranged on a platter, allow it some time to air-dry so that the chocolate can properly adhere to the fruit and the juices do not drip into the fondue. Cover and refrigerate until you are ready to serve.

Baked Goods

Bake your favorite dessert, then slice it into small, dippable chunks. Cookies, pound cake, brownies, peanut brittle, marshmallow and crispy rice treats and miniature cream puffs are tasty and easy to dip. Mini sandwich cookies, fortune cookies, peanut butter cookie pieces, biscotti--a traditional Italian almond cookie--graham crackers, doughnut holes and animal crackers also go well with chocolate fondue. Before serving, keep the baked goods covered so that they do not dry out and leave crumbs in the fondue when dipped.

Salty Snacks

Some favorite salty, non-dessert snacks are actually very tasty when dipped in chocolate. You may go with traditional snacks such as pretzels and butter crackers, or surprise your guests by offering thick-cut potato chips. The salty/sweet pairing is totally satisfying. For those who enjoy chocolate-covered nuts, offer a variety of larger nuts such as walnuts, almonds and pecans.


Guests with an extra sweet tooth will appreciate the option of essentially dipping candy into more candy. Marshmallows and chocolate fondue are a very popular combination. Get creative at the candy store and pick easy-to-dip candies such as gummy bears, gummy worms, circus peanuts, caramels and peppermint sticks.

Tags: chocolate fondue, when dipped, dipped chocolate, paired with, when dipped chocolate, with chocolate, with chocolate fondue