Friday, May 24, 2013

Homemade Dehydrated Apple Slices

Dried apples make a delicious snack.

Although apples are usually enjoyed plain, with dip or baked into a dessert, true apple lovers know that you can enjoy apples in many different ways, including slicing and dehydrating them to make dried apple snacks. If you have a dehydrator, this is an easy task, but you can also dehydrate the apples in the oven or even in a car on a hot summer day. Choose the best option for you based on what you have to work with.



1. Place the apple slices in a single layer on each rack of the dehydrator so that the pieces aren't cut together.

2. Sprinkle the pieces with cinnamon or another spice if you prefer.

3. Place the racks into the dehydrator and set for 140. Allow 12 to 24 hours for the apples to dry to your desired result, weather chewy or crispy.

Oven Method

4. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, or the lowest setting possible.

5. Place the apples on metal cake racks in a single layer so that the pieces are not touching each other.

6. Sprinkle the slices with spices if you prefer, then place the racks into the oven and allow the apples to dry for about 10 to 20 hours, rotating the racks periodically to ensure even cooking.

Sun Drying Method

7. Place the apple slices on shallow cookie sheets.

8. Loosely cover the apples with a cheesecloth to keep bugs out.

9. Place the cookie trays on the dashboard inside of your car, which should be sitting directly in the sun.

10. Roll the windows up and allow the apples to dehydrate for up to two days, depending on how hot is is in your area. Bring the apples inside overnight and return to the car the next morning if they need to be dried longer.

Tags: allow apples, Place apple, Place apple slices, racks into, single layer, that pieces