Thursday, April 19, 2012

Make Cheesy Spaghetti Pie

It's not just spaghetti anymore

Remember when you were a kid and your parents made spaghetti and you wished it was something else. How about spaghetti with a twist! In this "how to" article I will show you make an amazing "Cheesy Spaghetti Pie" that will make you crave it at least once a week.


Make Cheesy Spaghetti Pie

1. First step in making this amazing "Cheesy Spaghetti Pie" is to boil the spaghetti and allow it to cool for at least 30 minutes once it is cooked. Be sure to rinse the spaghetti thoroughly to remove the excess starch so that the spaghetti does not stick together.

2. Grease your deep casserole dish with olive oil or vegetable oil so that your spaghetti does not stick or burn when inside the oven.

3. In a large mixing bowl, add the cook spaghetti, the three cans of spaghetti sauce and the crushed Italian style tomatoes together. Mix thoroughly until all the spaghetti is coated.

4. Add a half of bag of the mozzarella cheese to the mixture, stirring until completely mixed.

5. Pour mixture into deep casserole dish, evening it out with a plastic spoon so it does not overflow. Add the rest of the shredded mozzarella cheese to the top, completely covering the spaghetti.

6. Place casserole dish inside a pre-heated 350 degree over for 45 minutes or until cheese has turned a light golden brown. Take out and serve with homemade garlic bread or crusty French bread.

Tags: Cheesy Spaghetti, casserole dish, amazing Cheesy, amazing Cheesy Spaghetti, deep casserole, deep casserole dish, does stick