Monday, January 17, 2011

Separate Fat From Drippings

Gravy is made with the drippings from cooked meat.

Homemade gravy is a delicious addition many home-cooked meals. The drippings from the cooked meat, or juices that come out of the meat as it's cooked, are used to give the gravy flavor. Since the fat from the meat is combined with the drippings during the cooking process, it's a good idea to separate the fat from the drippings so you don't have a fat-laden gravy.


1. Remove meat pieces and bones from drippings before separating fat.

Remove the meat from the baking pan. Using a spoon, scoop out any meat pieces or bones that might be floating in the drippings.

2. Hold a funnel over the gravy separator and pour the drippings into the gravy separator, through the funnel.

3. Allow the drippings to sit for 15 to 30 minutes as the fat rises to the top of the gravy separator. A gravy separator is similar in appearance to a water can but the spout is positioned lower on the separator so, when pouring, the drippings pour out from the bottom of the separator while the fat remains at the top.

4. Pour the drippings into a bowl to be used for making your gravy. Discard the fat that remains or save for use in another recipe.

Tags: gravy separator, cooked meat, drippings from, drippings from cooked, drippings into, from cooked, from cooked meat