Friday, January 28, 2011

Keep Potatoes From Sprouting In Storage

Properly stored potatoes are dormant and won't sprout.

Potatoes are root vegetables that are harvested in the late fall months and can be stored over the winter months until eaten. While potatoes typically stay fresh in storage, sometimes they begin to sprout from the small buds, which are called eyes. These sprouts and any other green section of the potato are toxic. To prevent sprouts from growing on the potatoes, there are some rules to follow for proper storage techniques.


1. Handle the potatoes gently any time that you move them or when getting some out to eat. Excessive handling can bruise the potatoes, which causes them to rot. Rotting potatoes spread moisture to the other potatoes, which can increase the growth of sprouts.

2. Place a thermometer next to where the potatoes are stored and make sure the temperature stays between 40 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, which will keep them from growing.

3. Hang a hygrometer in the area where the potatoes are stored to ensure that the humidity level is kept at a minimum of 85 percent. If you are storing Russet Burbank potatoes, increase the humidity to 95 percent by placing open bowls of water nearby.

4. Place a fan in the area to increase air circulation, which will dissipate the carbon dioxide produced by the potatoes.

5. Eliminate all light exposure by either placing the potatoes in a dark cellar or storing them in a bin with a lid. Any light, even artificial, can cause potatoes to start growing.

Tags: from growing, potatoes stored, potatoes which, where potatoes, where potatoes stored