Thursday, January 6, 2011

Keep Cheese Fresh Longer

Many times I have bought a huge brick of cheese and then it ended up going moldy before I could use or eat it. If this has happened to you too, you can benefit from my hint.


1. Wasting food really bothers me. Since I am a one person household, it is more economical to buy in larger quantities and package things in smaller portions. I found that if I froze cheese, I changed the consistency. I no longer liked that new texture until I discovered this tip to keep cheese fresher and longer too. Now I can still buy the larger 3 and 4 pound blocks of one of my favorite dairy products and have it retain the freshness I like so well.

2. Keeping cheese longer can be done by removing the complete outer wrapping as soon as you bring it home from the store. Replace that wrapping with a paper towel. Tightly and completely wrap the entire block of cheese with the paper towel intact and place it in a freezer zip lock bag. Make sure the seal closes well.

3. Anytime you want a slice or a larger amount of cheese, take what you want and replace the paper towel. I use VIVA brand paper towels without any decoration on them, so I will not be introducing any color to my cheese. This method works well with almost any hard or semi hard cheese. Wait until you notice your cheese stays fresher and lasts well with the paper towel.

Tags: paper towel, with paper, with paper towel, well with