Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Calculate Servings For Party Punch

Calculate Servings for Party Punch

Party punch--whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic--is a popular beverage to serve at gatherings because it is both tasty and easy to make. Before you begin preparing party punch, it is important to determine how many servings of punch you will need so that you make the correct amount for the number of guests in attendance.


1. Determine how many guests will be coming to the party so that you can determine how much punch and glassware you will need for the event. If the RSVP date has passed and you haven't heard from some of the folks who were invited to the party, contact them each directly to confirm whether they will be attending or not.

2. Calculate how long the party will last. If there is not a set ending time, figure out a rough estimate based on the type of event that is being held. While a small dinner party may only last a few hours, for example, you can expect a New Year's Eve bash to last significantly longer.

3. Read the party punch recipe to see how many servings the recipe makes. Most party punch recipes make approximately 30 servings.

4. Estimate how many servings of party punch you will need to make based on the number of guests, the length of the party and the variety of other beverages that are being offered. Generally speaking, you can expect each guest to consume one drink an hour.

5. Make enough punch for each guest to have one and a half servings of punch during your event. If punch is a big hit among your friends and family, or you are offering only a limited selection of beverages, you may want to prepare more.

Tags: many servings, will need, Calculate Servings, Calculate Servings Party, each guest, number guests, party punch