Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Make Small Curd Cottage Cheese

Nothing is better as a side dish than a helping of cottage cheese on a pineapple ring. If you like cottage cheese, imagine the delight you'll get when you make your own. It requires that you have a good food thermometer on hand, but is otherwise a simple process.


1. Heat 2 gallons of powdered milk or skim milk in a double boiler until it reaches 72 degrees. Maintain a constant temperature.

2. Add 1/4 cup of unpastuerized buttermilk. Stir this into the heated mixture. Make certain that you thoroughly mix the milk into the hot mixture.

3. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and allow it to sit in a warn spot for 16 to 24 hours.

4. Check to see if the milk has coagulated. Proceed to the next step once it has.

5. Cut the curds into 1/4 inch cubes and cook it very slowly. Maintain a temperature of 110 degrees until the lumps hold together when pressed between the fingers and thumb. It should take about a half hour.

6. Remove the whey by straining the cheese through cheesecloth. Cover the bag in cold water as you hold the top shut, making certain that you lift and stir to cool the center.

7. Drain one more time and mix in 5 to 6 tsp. of salt. You can add some cream for more richness.

Tags: certain that, cottage cheese