Friday, June 15, 2012

Prepare Sugar Cane

Sugar cane preparation requires hard work.

Sugar cane has been used throughout the world from as early as the 13th century. It was widely used in countries like France and India, and became a huge part of the Cuban and Mexican economies. Sugar cane is used to make both sugar and alcohol and flourishes in tropical climates. It takes a year before sugar canes are mature enough to produce sugar. Sharp knives or machetes are often used to cut down sugar cane, and the labor required is intense.


1. Cut down the sugar cane but leave the roots intact. From the roots, more sugar cane will grow and be ready to be cut again in about a year.

2. Put the cane through a mill. Mills squeeze out the juice from the cane. Industrial mills do not require much man power. Smaller mills, however, can take up to four people to operate. Cranking the mill will take two people: one person has to insert the cane and another has to take the cane out.

3. Remove big chunks of sugar cane by pouring the juice into a strainer.

4. Bring the cane juice to a boil. Let it boil for about three hours, and remove the dirt that floats to the top. The juice will thicken into a syrup consistency. Thick syrup is primarily used in sugary drinks because it sweetens drinks better than regular granulated sugar.

5. Crystallize the sugar. If you desire to make raw sugar from the syrup, a centrifuge is needed. A centrifuge is a device which is used to spin liquids, separating the particles. The particles in the syrup will separate, creating crystallized, raw sugar.

Tags: down sugar, down sugar cane, sugar cane, Sugar cane