Friday, June 15, 2012

Make Edible Fruit Arrangements

The perennially popular fruit basket has been brightening days and decorating tables for many years. A festive and delicious variation on the classic basket of apples, pears and other whole fruits is the fruit bouquet. Professionally made fruit bouquets can be pricey, but it is easy to make edible fruit arrangements at home. These colorful arrangements look like gorgeous floral bouquets and double as healthy and tasty party food.


1. Wash and dry the vase or pail that will hold the edible fruit arrangement.

2. Put enough florist's foam into the bottom of the vase or pail. Make sure that there is enough foam to support the arrangement, but it should not be visible over the rim.

3. Rinse the strawberries, grapes, mint and parsley and set them aside to drain.

4. Slice the pineapple horizontally. You should end up with several round flat pieces about half an inch thick. Rinse any bits of rind from the pineapple slices. Next, press a cookie cutter in a flower or star shape into the pineapple rounds to create fun shapes.

5. Cut the honeydew and cantaloupe melons in half. Remove the seeds. Use the melon baller to scoop out round balls of melon flesh.

6. Slide the honeydew and cantaloupe melon balls and the red and green grapes onto a bamboo skewer. The pieces of fruit should touch each other so that the bamboo skewer does not show. Alternate the colors and kinds of fruit for more color and texture. Leave space on each end of the skewer. Repeat until you have used up the grapes and melon balls.

7. Top the pointed end of each skewer with a strawberry or pineapple shape to create a "flower".

8. Press the blunt end of each skewer into the florist's foam inside the vase or pail. Angle the skewers in different directions to suggest flower stems. This gives the arrangement a more natural look. Make sure you have enough skewers to make the arrangement look full and pretty.

9. Tuck the parsley or mint leaves around the ends of the skewers to hide the florist foam. The "greenery" provides some additional support to the skewers and makes the edible fruit arrangement look even more like a flower arrangement.

Tags: each skewer, florist foam, vase pail, arrangement look, bamboo skewer, edible fruit