Monday, February 28, 2011

Liquor To Italian Espresso Coffee For Tiramisu

There are many steps that go into making a great tiramisu. With such a wonderful medley of flavors, it is important that you execute each step of the process correctly so that no one flavor dominates the dessert. Here is add liquor to your Italian Espresso coffee properly to ensure you make a perfect tiramisu.


1. Make the Italian espresso coffee for your tiramisu recipe. Whether you have a stove top espresso pot or a big fancy machine, make enough coffee so that you can complete the recipe.

2. Pour the hot coffee into a heat resistant bowl. Be careful not to pour too fast, otherwise that coffee may jump up and splatter you.

3. Fill your measuring cup with 1/4 cup of water for each pot of espresso that you have made for your recipe.

4. Add the water to your espresso coffee in the bowl. When making tiramisu, you don't want the coffee flavor to overpower the dish. Adding the water dilutes the espresso slightly.

5. Pour 1/2 shot of Amaretto liquor into your bowl of coffee and water mixture. Give it a quick stir and you are ready to move to the next step of making tiramisu.

Tags: espresso coffee, Italian Espresso, making tiramisu