Thursday, February 24, 2011

Install A Popcorn Ceiling

Acoustic, or popcorn, ceilings are textured ceilings that are more common in older buildings. The benefits of popcorn ceiling include acoustic absorption, cheaper and easier installation and insulation. The ceiling is called popcorn ceiling because of its bubbly texture, which is a composite of paint and texture available at local hardware stores.


1. Lay drop cloths under the ceiling, and tape off surrounding walls to prevent spillage. Put on protective clothing, goggles, mask and gloves.

2. Repair any holes or cracks in the ceiling with spackling compound and smooth off with a putty knife. Let dry, apply primer and let dry again for at least four hours.

3. Pour texture mix and paint into a large white bucket and mix the contents together until it reaches a thick porridge consistency.

4. Fill a hopper gun with the mixture and turn on the compressor. Practice shooting the hopper gun onto a piece of cardboard to get a feel for the gun's pressure and spraying mechanisms.

5. Spray the mixture lightly onto the ceiling. Continuously move the gun to prevent over-spray in one area, and spray multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat. Let each coat dry before spraying the next layer.

Tags: popcorn ceiling