Monday, November 1, 2010

Cook With Asafoetida

Asafoetida is a strong-smelling herb native to the Middle East which most people either love or hate. The difference of opinion becomes apparent in its two common names: devil's dung and food of the gods. Ground into a light-brown powder, the unusual flavor of asafoetida is most popular in Indian dishes.


1. Purchase asafoetida in either powder, granule or block form. Add powders and granules directly to your cooking pot, while you must crush the block form of asafoetida into a powder before you use it.

2. Cook with minute quantities of asafoetida, as it has an extremely powerful flavor. Fry it in oil or steep in in water.

3. Use asafoetida when cooking vegetarian meals for it's strong onion and garlic flavor. This unique spice is common in curry vegetable dishes, vegetarian soups, and is a great addition to bean dishes, as it helps to prevent gas.

4. Add asafoetida to marinades for meat and fish, as it helps to tenderize meats and neutralize fishy flavors. To use asafoetida for marinades, steep a small amount in water and then mix with your sauces. Allow the meats to marinade for at least 2 hours before cooking.

5. Store asafoetida in sealed containers, as it has a powerful sulfur and rotten onion smell which can quickly seep into other foods or permanently affect the smell of your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets. Ground or block asafoetida will last for 1 or 2 years if stored in a dry, dark place. Once cooked, the pungent stink of the spice dissipates and is transformed into a delicious onion and garlic flavor.

Tags: asafoetida marinades, block form, garlic flavor, onion garlic, onion garlic flavor