Thursday, June 25, 2009

Creative And Healthy Snacks For Kids

Healthy Fruit Snack

As a parent, your child's health is a priority. Feeding them healthy food is not always easy for the parent of a picky eater or the mother who works late. Finding healthy snacks with a bit of a creative flair can be the answer to the afterschool snack blues.

Quick Melts

Making a healthy melt-style sandwich for a snack is a quick and simple way to offer good nutrition mixed with fun. Pick low-fat cheese varieties and healthy breads, including whole grain pitas or even waffles. Put out toppings so your children can pick their own, such as chopped tomatoes and green peppers. For a healthy alternative to pizza, try cheese on pita bread or some chopped turkey and Swiss on whole-grain sliced bread. Healthy crackers can also act as a crust for a variety of items. Let the children experiment with seasonings. Oregano, basil and thyme can add to the flavor without the ubiquitous salt. Pop your creations on a cookie sheet and stick them in the oven. In about three minutes in a 400 degree oven, you will have a healthy snack your children will eat.

Shake it Up

Get out the blender for healthy, fast snacks with a kick of protein. Protein shake mixes come in many varieties, including added protein, fiber or specific vitamins. Select multiple flavors that your children will like, and at least one in plain or vanilla. Be sure to keep skim or low-fat milk available and plenty of fresh fruit. Let your children create their own concoctions choosing different combinations of fruits and shake flavors. Vanilla extract, sugar-free chocolate syrup, honey or molasses can also be added to the mix for a kick of healthy sweet. On a cold day, consider heating up the shakes but use your discretion as some combinations may not fare well when warmed up.

Food Art

Letting your child be creative with her food can be a solution for the picky eater. Cutting up fruit or vegetables into shapes that can be perceived as eyes, noses, mouths and ears can make a fun face on a plate, or odd shapes can make a modern art masterpiece at your kitchen table. Adding foods, such as pudding made with skim milk or low-fat yogurt, can add to the mix for dipping.

Tags: your children, children will, picky eater, snacks with, your child, your children will