Thursday, October 18, 2012

Uses Of Curry Powder

Curry powder is used to flavor many dishes.

Curry powder is a mixture of several different spices, such as turmeric, dry mustard, ginger and coriander seeds. The spice mixture can be mild to very spicy, and can be used as a base flavoring agent in cooking or as a highlighter accenting other flavors in recipes. While curry powder can be made from many different spice combinations, the general color for all mixtures is a light tan or dark yellow.

Sauces and Gravies

Curry sauce recipes use curry powder for flavor and color. It can also be used as a secondary spice in gravies and other sauces. Since curry powders can be found with different ingredients, check out the labels to find a mixture with more allspice for poultry gravies or more cumin for tomato sauces. Curry mixtures with lots of cinnamon or cardamom will perk up any basic beef-based sauce.

Rubs, Marinades and Dressings

Sprinkle curry powder over pork chops or roasts and rub into the meat. The flavor will work its way in as the meat cooks. Poultry and beef can also be flavored with a curry rub before grilling or broiling. Marinades and dressings can be flavored with curry powder and adjusted for any cuisine by the addition of fresh herbs, like cilantro or Italian flat-leaf parsley. Hot and spicy or mild and sweet recipes can all use curry powder as a flavoring ingredient.

Added Color

Two of curry powder's main ingredients are turmeric and dry mustard. Both have a tremendous amount of coloring power, giving dishes a bright to dark yellow or tan look. Add some to a simple garlic marinade for chicken about 20 minutes before grilling for a flavorful dish with an exotic hint of yellow to the meat. Rice is also enhanced by curry. Add a couple of teaspoons to the water as it is brought to a boil before adding the rice.

Tags: curry powder, before grilling, curry powder, dark yellow, flavored with, flavored with curry, recipes curry