Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ranch Dressing Substitutes

Ranch dressing and salad make a great team, but ranch is not the most healthy option.

Ranch dressing is a common dip for vegetables, fried foods and chicken wings. Most commonly, ranch dressing is used on salads and is one of the most popular dips in the United States. Ranch dressing is a dairy product, which inhibits vegans and those who are lactose intolerant from consumption. A downside to ranch dressing is its high fat and calorie content.


If you are looking for substitutes to avoid the unhealthy aspects of ranch dressing, certain dressing brands sell low-fat and low-calorie versions of the original. Some dressings are made with no-calorie sugar substitutes and are vinegar based, which drastically reduces the fat and calorie content. Mixing pepper, oregano, olive oil and lemon juice to taste is an easy recipe and an appetizing salad topper. Sprinkling spices (but watch the salt) onto the salad releases the natural flavor of the vegetables without contributing calories.


A delectable dip replacement for ranch is hummus. Hummus is made out of natural chickpeas, vegetables and spices, such as garlic and tahini. A variety of flavors can be purchased at any grocery store. Hummus and dressing are priced comparatively, but hummus is lower in fat and provides wholesome ingredients.

Homemade dressing

Avoid the preservatives and harsh chemicals found in most foods to increase their shelf life by whipping up some homemade dressings. That way you know exactly what is in your food. Dressing recipes can be easy to make and prepared in less then 10 minutes. Miso salad dressing is a simple dressing to make and is much healthier than ranch dressing. Recipes for miso salad dressing can be found at and

Tags: calorie content, ranch dressing, ranch dressing, Ranch dressing, salad dressing