Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Boil Potatoes So They Can Be Frozen & Preserved

Potatoes are vegetables that are very resilient and tend to last a month or more when stored in the right conditions. Generally, potatoes can be stored in a dark, slightly humid area and last for two to four months. However, if it is necessary to store them for longer, they can be frozen. The process works by partially cooking and peeling the potatoes before storing them in your freezer. Frozen potatoes can be kept for up to a year.


1. Ensure that the potatoes are matured, but not decaying, bruised or rotting.

2. Peel the potatoes and separate the potatoes by size making a small, medium and large pile.

3. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Use approximately 1 gallon of water per 1 lb. of potatoes. Add the potatoes and observe until the water reaches a rolling boil. A rolling boil is described as water that continually produces bubbles in more than just the center of the pot.

4. Allow the potatoes to boil for three to five minutes. Larger potatoes should boil for five minutes. Smaller potatoes should boil for three minutes.

5. Remove the potatoes from the water and drain them using a strainer.

6. Place the potatoes in a vacuum seal bag and vacuum seal them.

7. Label and store the bags in the freezer for up to 12 months.

Tags: boil three, five minutes, potatoes should, potatoes should boil, rolling boil, should boil